Update regarding the New language requirement for EU long term residence permit

A very popular topic for some days.
For EU long term residency from now you can not apply with the diploma from Szkoła Policealna . Many people are asking us and we are hearing a lot of questions regarding this.
Right now if you have any of the diploma like florysta or any then you can submit but according to the new drafted project of government this Szkoła Policealna is not accepted as a valid document and this may be on action from this December or Janurary next year. But if you apply before that then this diploma is accepted.
So, the summary is that you have to apply for EU long term residency which we call permanent residency you can apply with Szkoła Policealna diploma as a language certification but when this act will be acting may be in December or January then this diplomas are not accepted.
But according to the new drafted law this diploma’s will be not accpeted only in EU long term residency.
So, you can apply for PR or citizenship if you fulfil the criteria.